Casting de Les Invisibles
Retour à la fiche- Audrey LamyAudrey Scapio, social worker at l'Envol
- Corinne MasieroManu, director of l'Envol
- Noémie LvovskyHélène, volunteer at l'Envol
- Déborah LukumuenaAngélique, volunteer at l'Envol
- Pablo PaulyDimitri, Audrey's brother
- Sarah SucoJulie Charpentier, the punk
- Quentin FaureLaurent, Audrey's friend
- Brigitte SyBéatrice, social services manager
- Tassadit MandiRamouna
- Adolpha van MeerhaegheChantal, the appliance repairer
- Fatsah BouyahmedEsteban, the scrap metal dealer
- Guillaume Cloud-RousselBaptiste, Hélène's eldest son
- Marie-Christine OrryCatherine Paraire aka 'Catherine Lara', former psychologist
- Antoine ReinartzThe deputy mayor
- Julien LedetGaspard
- Sébastien ChassagneThe guidance counselor
- Eric FreyStéphane
- Marianne GarciaMarianne Pulail aka 'Lady Di'
- Marie-Christine DescheemakerMarie-Christine aka “Brigitte Macron”
- Khoukha BoukherbacheKoukha aka “Marie-Josée Nat”
- Aïcha BangouraAïsha aka "Vanessa Paradis"
- Zoé PinelliVolunteer teenage girl
- Adèle ChoubardLaureen, volunteer teenage girl
- Marvin DubartYouth of the association
- Olivier BrabantMayor's Advisor
- Philippe BérodotSocial tenant
- Marie AnsartNeighbor
- Emilie DeletrezMother of the familly
- Marie BourinNathalie
- Raphaël BedrossianMan from the temp agency
- Thomas DeflandreGEIQ Recruiter
- Vincent DuquesneMonsieur Ohayon
- Natalie BederCHR social worker
- Philippe WolczekAssociate of Laurent
- Eric WielemansPlainclothes policeman