Casting de La Ballade de Narayama
Retour à la fiche- Kinuyo TanakaOrin
- 高橋貞二Tatsuhei
- 望月優子Tamayan
- 宮口精二Matayan
- 伊藤雄之助Matayan's son
- 三津田健Teruyan
- Danko IchikawaKesakichi
- Keiko OgasawaraMatsu-yan
- 東野英治郎Messenger
- Kō NishimuraOne of the villagers who Teaches Narayama's Manners (uncredited)
- Katsuyuki HattoriTatsuhei's son (uncredited)
- 小林十九二One of the villagers who teaches Narayama's manners (uncredited)
- 織田政雄One of the villagers who teaches Narayama's manners (uncredited)